
Five years ago, my husband and I began a massive renovation project at our home. Our first task was to transform an outdated guest bathroom. We took down floral wallpaper. Once the wallpaper was down, we painted the small space a beautiful, light shade of blue. Do you desperately desire to give a small bathroom in your home the wow factor? Consider painting it a light green, blue, gray, yellow, or tan color. You might even wish to install wallpaper in a metallic hue. On this blog, I hope you will discover the numerous ways painters and wallpaper hangers can help you make your home look more modern. Enjoy!


Make A Large Impact On Looks With Several Small Exterior Painting Projects

9 August 2017
, Blog

When you decide that you want to change your home, you will need to figure out whether you are interested in a different look or if you want to make improvements to functionality. Altering the look of your house is something that you can accomplish with so many projects, but you may want to focus on the outside. Improving the curb appeal will make your home more inviting and raise the property value.
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Improve the Exterior Look of Your Home by Having These Things Painted

7 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you're planning to sell your home or you're planning to stay put for years to come, increasing the curb appeal of the dwelling is always a good idea. One way that you can do so is by hiring a painting contractor to give a makeover to a handful of exterior elements. Regardless of how your yard looks and whether or not the house itself needs some work, a fresh coat of paint on certain exterior areas will make the residence look better for prospective buyers driving past or for you as you pull into the driveway each night after work.
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3 Wood Finishes For Your Walls

5 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Wood is a popular option for wall construction and trim inside homes. While some people opt to cover over wood walls, you can easily utilize the wood in your home's walls to create a unique and inviting living space. Here are three types of wood finishes you can apply to your walls to give them character and protect them from damage in the future. 1. Stain the walls. Wood is a porous material that has the ability to absorb anything placed upon it.
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Tips For Having The Exterior Of Your House Painted

3 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Over time, the paint on the exterior of a home can begin to fade or chip off, which can make a huge difference in curb appeal. Many people are amazed by how much better their home looks after a few coats of fresh paint. But having the exterior of your home painted is not something that should be done without great planning and preparation. If you're going to have the exterior of your home painted soon, use the following tips:
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Exterior Painting Preparation Tips

2 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Having your home's exterior painted by professionals saves you a lot of hard work, but it doesn't mean that there is nothing for you to do. Your goal is to make sure the exterior of the house is ready for the painters when they arrive so they can get to work doing the best job possible. The following tips can help. #1: Trim your bushes Bushes and plants are the main issues when it comes to painting a home's exterior.
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About Me
Transforming a Small Bathroom

Five years ago, my husband and I began a massive renovation project at our home. Our first task was to transform an outdated guest bathroom. We took down floral wallpaper. Once the wallpaper was down, we painted the small space a beautiful, light shade of blue. Do you desperately desire to give a small bathroom in your home the wow factor? Consider painting it a light green, blue, gray, yellow, or tan color. You might even wish to install wallpaper in a metallic hue. On this blog, I hope you will discover the numerous ways painters and wallpaper hangers can help you make your home look more modern. Enjoy!
